(303) Developing Winners - Promotion, Length, and Finesse

Hi Everyone -

Wow, another fabulous week at the Bermuda Regional! The players and hosts there are the most welcoming you will find anywhere in bridge. If you have not been (or have not been back in a while), plan to come next year — it is really an amazing experience.

I’m excited that this month we turn our focus back towards declarer play.
1 (303) Developing Winners - Promotion, Length, and Finesse
2 (304) The Two-Way Finesse
3 (305) The King-Jack Guess
4 (306) The Idle Fifth

This week we discuss the core techniques of how to develop winners, especially in notrump. These basic techniques are invaluable and are a part of bridge that must be second nature to you.

I hope you find this useful,