Thinking & Responding Hand Set 9 - 514

Thinking & Responding Hand Set 9 - 514

1-minor - 2NT Auctions

When partner jumps to 2NT after our 1-minor opening we don’t have a lot of space to communicate below 3NT. It is important to have good agreements about the follow-up bidding.

Thinking & Responding Hand Set 8 - 513

Thinking & Responding Hand Set 8 - 513

1-minor - 1NT Auctions

When we open the bidding partner often responds with 1NT. It is important for us to have good agreements about common auctions. Here we look at auctions that start with a minor and hear partner respond 1NT. We look at what to expect and how the auction might continue.

Thinking & Responding Hand Set 7 - 512

Thinking & Responding Hand Set 7 - 512

Jump Shifts after 1-Level Openings

Jump Shifts by Responder have a variety of different meanings in different situations. Their means can change based on the level they are made at and if they are in competition. Make sure you have good agreements with your partner about the meaning of these jump shifts.

Thinking & Responding Hand Set 6 - 511

Thinking & Responding Hand Set 6 - 511

Walsh & Extended Walsh

When we respond to opener’s bid we have a priority of finding major suit fits. Opener also have a priority of showing their hand type if they do not find a major suit fit. The Walsh style of bidding and rebids are an important improvement in modern bidding.

Thinking & Responding Hand Set 5 - 510

Thinking & Responding Hand Set 5 - 510

Western Cuebids

We start out the auction seeing if we have a major suit fit. But after that, we try to get to 3NT. When the opponents bid in our auction we have a good idea of what they are going to lead. We can use the Western Cuebid to help find out if we can get to NT. Let’s see how it works!

Thinking & Responding Hand Set 4 - 509

Thinking & Responding Hand Set 4 - 509

Vulnerability Tactics

When we are at favorable vulnerability we have a lot of different options for how to get into the auction. When we are in the 3rd seat, this is even more true. Here we look at how we can use this situation to give us a license to attack.

Thinking & Responding Hand Set 3 - 508

Thinking & Responding Hand Set 3 - 508

4th Seat Openings

If you auction goes 3 passes around to you then you have a choice to open the bidding or pass the hand out. If you choose to open the bidding, you have some different bidding tools in the 4th seat. Here we look at our options and how to help us make this decision.

Thinking & Responding Hand Set 2 - 507

Thinking & Responding Hand Set 2 - 507

3rd Seat Openings

When we open the bidding in the 3rd seat we have lots of options for how to attack the opponents. Here we look at how we can make the opponents life more difficult and make the best opening bid for our side.

Thinking & Responding Hand Set 1 - 506

Thinking & Responding Hand Set 1 - 506

Problem Opening Bids

There are certain strengths and shapes that are difficult to describe as opening bids. In order to have a chance of showing this problem hands we have to start the auction off best. Here we look at some of these problem opening bids.