
Comp Bidding - Double, Overcall, and Jump Overcall

Comp Bidding - Double, Overcall, and Jump Overcall

10/12/21 (72 min)

When our RHO opens the bidding and we have a hand that qualifies for a couple of different actions then we need to make the best choice, not just the first one that comes to our mind. Here we look at how the location of our honors helps us make these decisions.

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Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS

Comp Bidding - Competing Later in the Bidding: Bid, X, or Pass?

Comp Bidding - Competing Later in the Bidding: Bid, X, or Pass?

11/8/21 (68 min)

​When we are battling the opponent's ​for the contract we are often faced with difficult choices in the bidding. Here we look at how we use each of our options (Bid, X, or Pass) in the direct seat and in the balancing seat.

BUY - $15


Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS

Competitive Bidding - Overcalls, Jump Overcalls, & Doubles

Competitive Bidding - Overcalls, Jump Overcalls, & Doubles

Monday 7/19/21 (112 min)

Ft. Lauderdale Bridge Club Event: Competitive Bidding - Overcalls, Jump Overcalls, & Doubles

BUY - $15


Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS

Doubles Early in the Auction

Doubles Early in the Auction

Tuesday 10/13/20 (68 min)

Double is your best friend when it comes to competitive bidding. Learn to use the Double (as both Interferer and Responder) to compete with a variety of different distributions and strengths.

BUY - $15


Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS