
Making the Most of Dummy - Length in Dummy

Making the Most of Dummy - Length in Dummy

8/14/23 (58 min)

When we are playing in a suit contract it usually makes us excited to see a long suit in the dummy -- especially a long, strong one. We can often use it to help us discard our losers in other suits. Here we look at establishing this suit and how to balance timing and transportation.

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Making the Most of Dummy - Shortness in Dummy

Making the Most of Dummy - Shortness in Dummy

8/20/23 (60 min)

When dummy has shortness in a suit outside the trump suit, we normally make use of it by trumping our losers in that suit. But there is an art form to when you do this -- before or after we draw trump.  Here we look at the timing of ruffing our losers and how we combine some of our techniques. 

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Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS

Making the Most of Dummy - Equal Length in Dummy

Making the Most of Dummy - Equal Length in Dummy

8/28/23 (56 min)

When dummy has a side suit that is equal length to one in our hand then we can try to create some shortness by discarding some of them.  But if we can not do this then we are going to be stuck tackling the suit based on the card combinations.  That means finesse, double finesses, end-plays, and more.  

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Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS

Making the Most of Dummy - Make Use of Dummy's Entries

Making the Most of Dummy - Make Use of Dummy's Entries

9/5/23 (58 min)

All of these play situations require us to manage our transferportation carefully.  Entries to each hand are important to spend carefully.  Here we look at how to use of this, especially in the trump suit. 

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Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS