More Suit Play 2

More Suits 2 - Play Part Scores without a Fit with Me

More Suits 2 - Play Part Scores without a Fit with Me

11/20/23 (61 min)

When we win the contract in a part-score and do not have an 8-card fit it is usually because we either have more HCP than the opponents or there was an auction that kept the opponents from getting into the bidding. Let's make sure that we know how to play these hands.

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Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS

More Suits 2 - Play Part Scores with a Fit with Me

More Suits 2 - Play Part Scores with a Fit with Me

12/4/23 (61 min)

When we play a part-score deal and we have a trump fit it usually means that we have more trump the opponent's do. Making use of our trump suit is a key part of good declarer play, especially in a part-score deal.

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Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS

More Suits 2 - Play Game Contracts with Me

More Suits 2 - Play Game Contracts with Me

12/11/23 (61 min)

When we have enough points to bid game and we are playing in a trump suit then we need to make sure that we make use of our trump in the best ways we possibly can. Here we look at some examples and see how we can then best play the hand.

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Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS

More Suits 2 - Play Slam Contracts with Me

More Suits 2 - Play Slam Contracts with Me

12/18/23 (61 min)

When we have enough points to bid game and we are playing in a trump suit then we need to make sure that we make use of our trump in the best ways we possibly can. Here we look at some examples and see how we can then best play the hand.

BUY - $15


Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS