Competitive: Doubles

(520) NT Auctions: Opponents' Doubles of Our Stayman and Transfers

(520) NT Auctions: Opponents' Doubles of Our Stayman and Transfers

When we open a NT and partner uses an artificial conventional responses, like Stayman or Transfers, then the opponents might double as lead directing. We want to use this double against them. Here we discuss our options for bidding after this double.

(461) Partnership Bidding: Their Major Suit Openings

(461)  Partnership Bidding:   Their Major Suit Openings

When the opponents open the bidding with 1-Major then we need to compete in the bidding and do so quickly and accurately. In order to do this week need good agreements with partner, especially about the meaning of cuebidding the opponent's suit. Let's make sure we have good agreements in these situations.